Muscle Activation Techniques

Jeff is the first MAT (Muscle Activation Techniques Therapist) in New Zealand. After becoming only 1 of 6 MAT therapist in the UK, Jeff has returned to NZ with the most advanced thought process and biomechanical assessment and treatment out there in helping people to truly get to the cause of their pain. MAT treats anyone in pain from long term back pain to knee, foot pain and shoulder pain. It truly is unique in its approach and has helped Jeff achieve results far beyond when he was a qualified NMTand massage therapist.

MAT is the premise that when the body is unstable musculature will tighten to restore stability. Over time, these compensation patterns can create altered alignment in the joints, leading to joint instability and abnormal wear on the joint surfaces and pain. The MAT system seeks to locate and resolve the true cause of muscle tightness and pain, creating a healthy functioning muscular system.





Prudential Building

332 Lambton Quay

P — 021 414 178

Studio41 Wellington Gym

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